Liquid Chromatography

Available Liquid Chromatography Systems for immediate sale:
Agilent 1100 HPLC System w/ DAD Detector | Marshall Scientific

Agilent 1100 Series 

  • G1311A Quaternary Pump
  • G1313A Autosampler
  • G1315B DAD Detector
  • G1316A Column Comp.
  • G1379A Degasser
Agilent 6460A/6460C Triple Quad Mass 
  • G1798B Multimode Source
  • MS40 Rough Pumps
  • MassHunter workstation and software
Agilent 1100 HPLC System w/ DAD Detector | Marshall Scientific

Agilent 1100 Series 

  • G1311A Quat Pump
  • G1329A Autosampler
  • G1330B Thermal Unit
  • G1314A VWD Detector
  • G1316A Column Comp.
  • G1379A Degasser

Agilent 6490A Triple Quad Mass

  • G1947B APCI Source
  • G1978B ESI/APCI Multimode Source
  • MS40 Rough Pumps
  • Masshunter workstation and software
Agilent 1100 HPLC System w/ DAD Detector | Marshall Scientific Agilent 1100 Series 
  • G1312A Binary Pump
  • G1313A Autosampler
  • G1321A FLD Detector
  • G1316A Column Compartment
  • G1322A Degasser
AB Sciex 4500 Triple Quad<br>

The AB SCIEX Triple Quad 4500 System™

Waters 2695 HPLC System w/ PDA Detector | Marshall Scientific WATERS 2695 Series
  •  2996 PDA Detector
  • PCI Card
  • Column Heater


AB Sciex API 4000 Triple Quad AB Sciex API 4000 Triple Quad
Waters 2695 HPLC System w/ PDA Detector | Marshall Scientific WATERS 2695 Series
  • 2489 UV/Vis Detector
  • Vacuum Degasser
  • Sample management system


Shimadzu LCMS-8030, 8040, 8050 Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer | For Sale | Labx Ad 11381796

Shimadzu LCMS-8030 Triple Quadruple

Dionex Thermo Ultimate 3000 VWD HPLC System Iso Isocratic Pump incl C, 11.898,81 € Thermo Ultimate 3000
  • ISO-3100A Pump
  • WPS-3000TSL
  • VWD-3100
  • Thermostat TCC-3000
SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 Spectrometer 익숙한 판매용 가격 #9352282 > 사다 from CAE Shimadzu LCMS-8040 Triple Quadruple



If the equipment you are looking for is not in our inventory list, Please send us your inquiry.